Tuesday, December 21, 2010

God's Paintbrush

If someone sat down with a blank canvas and a palette of 6 billion different paints with each paint capable of choosing which direction each one of them flowed, how would the artist create the painting that he wished to create?

Monday, December 20, 2010


I have created this blog for the sole purpose of establishing unity in Jesus Christ and for the continuing encouragement of the soldiers in His army.  We wage war with unseen forces but readily see their evil impact on all things around us.  Let us not be lone rangers in this cause for Christ...that is precisely what the enemy wants and is looking for.  Let us stand for the truth that is in Jesus Christ and upon the Word of God.  There is plenty enough dissension and false teachings going around without me adding to it so let everything be said and done on here with, first of all, reverence for God and Christ but also to everyone else.  Let us do all things as unto the Lord.  It is not my intent to wage war with other men....we accomplish that fine without my help.  This is not a theological battleground.  Encouragement...remember!  Topics will be addressed according to the Word of God...not Pastor So-in-So...or Rev. Such-and-Such.  Contrasts and heresy can be addressed here as they are ploys of the enemy to get us off track.  Let us try with as much as lies within us to live and be peaceable with all men.  God Bless!